   Invoice Journal 
   NEXUS Setup 
   Trial Verification 
   Filing Report 
x  FAQ 

Some frequently asked questions

Your Questions

  1. When I registered, I didn't get a confirming email.
    • This usually occurs when the email address that you entered was not a valid one. At this point, you will have to re-register.
  2. I forgot my UserID, what should I do?
    • You will have to re-register.
  3. I lost my password, what should I do?
    • You will have to re-register.
  1. How secure is my information?
    • CYTAK.NET takes special care in maintaining the privacy and security of your information. For example, CYTAK.NET requires you to enter a valid UserID and password before permitting you to see any personal or financial information. This site also encrypts all the information that the server and your browser exchange. If you are inactive for an extended period of time, the site will log you off and you will need to reenter your UserID and password.
  2. Why are cookies important?
    • This site uses a common technique, HTTP-header cookies, to identify one page request from another. The cookies this site creates do not contain any personal information. They merely allow the site to recognize a page request comes from someone who has already logged on. The information is stored temporarily in memory and is available only during the course of a session. The information is removed once you log out or close down your browser. Some browsers can be configured to warn the user whenever a site sends it a cookie. If your browser provides an edit message asking you to accept or reject the use of cookies, you should accept. The site will not work without them.
  3. What is encryption?
    • Encryption is a mathematical process that transforms a message in order to conceal its meaning. Encryption is used to protect messages from eavesdropping, tampering, or message forgery over the Internet.
  4. How is encryption used by this site?
    • It is the policy of CYTAK.NET to encrypt the transmission of all personal or financial information that is transmitted between our server and your browser. The security standard SSL, Secure Sockets Layer, is used to implement this. SSL is the leading standard for securing World Wide Web transmissions.
  5. How can I tell that SSL is in effect?
    • The URL of a secure document begins with HTTPS://. The additional 'S' on the end of the familiar HTTP indicates a secure channel to the server. Also, most browsers show the security icon when using https.
  6. How secure is SSL?
    • SSL uses public-key encryption. This technology can use keys of various sizes. The larger the key length, the greater the number of possible keys, the more difficult the decryption challenge, and the more secure the message. Browsers generally have one of two key sizes--40-bit or 128-bit. Messages encrypted with a 40-bit key could possibly be decoded in less time than those encrypted with a 128-bit key. Messages encrypted with a 128-bit key are 3 x 1026 (3 followed by 26 zeros) times harder to break. It is estimated that it would take 1 trillion trillion years to crack a 128-bit message with current technologies. This site will provide the maximum level of encryption supported by your browser. Those wishing to maximize the security of their Web activities are encouraged to obtain a browser with 128-bit encryption.
  7. Why do I need to use a particular browser?
    • In order to maximize the privacy of your information as well as to provide a consistent visual presentation, a relatively current and capable browser is required. For example, the browser must support JavaScript, Cookies, and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), an encryption standard for browsers. For enhanced security, we recommend using a browser version that uses 128-bit SSL encryption. Furthermore, those browsers have been used to extensively test this site to ensure that the pages display and behave in a predictable manner. The browser requirement for this site is Mozilla Firefox 1.0 and above, or Microsoft Internet Explorer* 5.5 and above. Other browsers may work if they have the required browser features; however, this site has not been tested or certified for other browsers. Note: If you are an AOL user, you will also need to use one of the minimum required browsers. You may need to download one of the approved browsers to use CYTAK.NET's online filing system.
  8. What responsibility do I need to take as a customer?
    • Customers have their own set of responsibilities in providing security for their CYTAK.NET accounts. UserID's and any passwords must be kept secret. You should make sure that no one is physically watching as your UserID's or passwords are entered. It is also important to remember to log out of CYTAK.NET's online filing system and even exit the browser when leaving the computer. If your PC is left unattended with the browser running and a valid UserID and password cached, anyone may gain access to the account. You should also take precautions to keep computers clean and free from viruses that could be used to capture your UserID or password keystrokes.
  1. I don't know where to get the Invoice Journal, where do I look?
    • Call us, we can either help you out on the phone, arrange a visit, or find a local organization to help you.
  2. I can't make a CSV file, I've got no I.T. Support… what should I do?
    • Call us, we can either help you out on the phone, arrange a visit, or find a local organization to help you.
  3. When I upload my Invoice Journal, I am getting strange errors and the report is not being generated?
    • You have likely not formatted the CSV file correctly. Check your work; Go back to I.T.; or call us.
  1. The report takes a long time to come up?
    • We do a fair bit of calculation and verification, so be patient. If it fails to come up after a minute or two, there is something seriously wrong so you need to call us, we can either help you out on the phone, arrange a visit, or find a local organization to help you.
  2. The report does not look right??
    • Click on the FEEDBACK ICON and describe the problem. Our development team will contact you.
  1. I want a new feature that I don't see; how do I ask for it?
    • Click on the FEEDBACK ICON and describe the Feature. Our development team will contact you.